Random Sequence Ⅳ

Maximum Length Sequence

Before, we studied LFSR, and now let's take a look at the m-sequence of LFSR.

The m-sequence (Maximum Length Sequence) of LFSR is a pseudo-random sequence with the longest possible period. This sequence is generated in the LFSR by appropriately selecting the initial state and feedback polynomial, allowing the LFSR to achieve its maximum possible period. Such m-sequences are highly useful in various applications, especially in the fields of communication, cryptography, and test pattern generation.

Some basic concepts and characteristics of the m-sequence of LFSR are as follows:

  1. Maximum Periodicity: The m-sequence of LFSR has the longest possible period, equal to 2^n - 1, where n is the number of bits in the LFSR. This is because the m-sequence will go through all 2^n - 1 different states before reaching its initial state.

  2. Initial State: Selecting an appropriate initial state is crucial for generating an m-sequence with the maximum period. Generally, the initial state cannot be all zeros.

  3. Feedback Polynomial: Choosing an appropriate feedback polynomial is also key. The feedback polynomial determines which bits participate in the feedback operation. A common feedback polynomial is a primitive polynomial, such as x^n + 1, where n is the number of bits in the LFSR.

  4. Period Detection: To verify whether the generated sequence is an m-sequence, period detection methods can be used. A simple method is to observe whether the sequence returns to the initial state after reaching 2^n - 1 bits.

  5. Applications: M-sequences have important applications in many areas, such as in pseudo-random number generation, pseudo-random test pattern generation, and sequence spreading in spread spectrum communication systems (e.g., CDMA).

class LFSR:
    def __init__(self, initial_state, feedback_mask):
        self.state = initial_state
        self.feedback_mask = feedback_mask

    def shift(self):
        # Calculate feedback bit using XOR of masked state bits
        feedback_bit = sum((self.state >> i) & 1 for i in range(len(self.feedback_mask)) if self.feedback_mask[i]) % 2
        # Shift state to the right and insert feedback bit at the leftmost position
        self.state = (self.state >> 1) | (feedback_bit << (len(self.feedback_mask) - 1))
        return feedback_bit

    def generate_m_sequence(self, num_bits):
        m_sequence = []
        # Generate m-sequence by repeatedly shifting and collecting the rightmost bit
        for _ in range(num_bits):
            m_sequence.append(self.state & 1)
        return m_sequence

# 4-bit LFSR, initial state is 0b1011, feedback polynomial is x^4 + x^3 + 1
initial_state = 0b1011
feedback_mask = [1, 0, 0, 1]  # Corresponds to x^4 + x^3 + 1
lfsr = LFSR(initial_state, feedback_mask)

# Generate 15-bit m-sequence
m_sequence = lfsr.generate_m_sequence(15)

# Print the result
print("Generated M Sequence:", m_sequence)

This code implements a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) class for generating m-sequences.

  • Initialization Method: The constructor takes two parameters - initial_state represents the initial state of the LFSR, and feedback_mask is the mask for the feedback polynomial. feedback_mask is a list where 1s and 0s indicate whether the corresponding bit participates in the feedback.

  • Shift Method: This method simulates the shift operation of the LFSR. First, it calculates the feedback bit feedback_bit using list comprehension and bitwise operations. Then, it shifts the state to the right by one position and updates the leftmost bit using bitwise operations, simulating the LFSR shift process.

  • generate_m_sequence Method: This method generates the m-sequence. In each iteration, it appends the rightmost bit of the current state to m_sequence and then calls the shift method for state shifting.

  • An instance of a 4-bit LFSR is created, with an initial state of 0b1011 and a feedback polynomial corresponding to the mask [1, 0, 0, 1], representing x^4 + x^3 + 1. Then, a list containing a 15-bit m-sequence is generated, and the result is printed.

This example demonstrates how an LFSR generates m-sequences based on the feedback polynomial and initial state. In practical applications, different LFSR bit lengths and feedback polynomials can be chosen to generate m-sequences with varying periodicity and properties as needed.

Using m-sequences directly generated by an LFSR may not be secure, primarily due to the inherent properties of LFSRs and the fixed initial state, leading to some security weaknesses that make the generated sequences vulnerable to attacks. Specifically, these weaknesses include:

  1. Predictability: If an attacker can deduce or guess the LFSR's initial state and feedback polynomial, they can predict the generated m-sequence. For shorter LFSRs, brute force might be an effective attack method since the state space of an LFSR is finite.

  2. Periodicity: The period of an LFSR is finite and depends on its bit length and the choice of feedback polynomial. After a certain number of steps, the generated sequence will repeat. If an attacker knows the LFSR's period, they can predict subsequent outputs by observing part of the sequence.

  3. Fixed Initial State: If the initial state is fixed and known to an attacker, they can repeatedly generate the same sequence. This can be insecure in cryptographic applications where passwords should exhibit unpredictability.

  4. Linearity: Sequences generated by LFSRs exhibit linearity, meaning each bit in the sequence can be expressed as a linear combination of previous bits. This linearity can make the generated sequences more susceptible to statistical attacks.

Due to these security vulnerabilities, using m-sequences directly from an LFSR as cryptographic keys or in security applications is not recommended. In practical cryptography applications, more complex Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNGs) or stream cipher algorithms are widely used to enhance security and prevent potential attacks. These algorithms are typically designed with greater complexity, employing non-linear operations and larger state spaces to enhance cryptographic security.


We study three typical methods, with the first one related to filter generators.

In pseudo-random sequence generators based on Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs), filter generators are an improved structure designed to enhance the statistical properties and security of the generated pseudo-random sequences. Filter generators combine the concepts of Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs) and linear complexity filters by processing the output of the LFSR through non-linear filtering operations.

Basic principles of filter generators include:

  1. LFSR: Like traditional LFSRs, filter generators use a register to store states and generate pseudo-random sequences through shifting and linear feedback operations.

  2. Linear Complexity Filter: Filter generators introduce a linear complexity filter, which is a non-linear operation typically composed of one or more non-linear components, such as Boolean functions. This filter enhances the complexity of the sequence by applying non-linear transformations to the output of the LFSR.

  3. Feedback Path: The feedback path in filter generators includes not only feedback from the LFSR but also feedback from the linear complexity filter. This integrated feedback path increases the non-linearity of the generated sequence, improving its statistical properties.

  4. Selection of Appropriate Boolean Functions: The security and performance of filter generators largely depend on the choice of Boolean functions for the non-linear filter. These Boolean functions should possess cryptographic properties, such as uniformity and resistance to analysis.

  5. Initial State: The selection of the initial state is equally crucial for the generated sequence. Avoiding the use of an all-zero or all-one state is a good practice.

class LFSR:
    def __init__(self, initial_state, feedback_mask):
        # Initialize LFSR with given initial state and feedback mask
        self.state = initial_state
        self.feedback_mask = feedback_mask

    def shift(self):
        # Perform LFSR shift operation and return the feedback bit
        feedback_bit = sum((self.state >> i) & 1 for i in range(len(self.feedback_mask)) if self.feedback_mask[i]) % 2
        self.state = (self.state >> 1) | (feedback_bit << (len(self.feedback_mask) - 1))
        return feedback_bit

class FilterFunctionGenerator:
    def __init__(self, lfsr_length, filter_length, feedback_mask):
        # Initialize FilterFunctionGenerator with LFSR parameters and filter feedback mask
        self.lfsr_length = lfsr_length
        self.filter_length = filter_length
        self.lfsr = LFSR(1, feedback_mask[:lfsr_length])
        self.filter_function = feedback_mask[lfsr_length:]

    def generate_key_stream(self, num_bits):
        key_stream = []
        # Generate key stream by combining LFSR and non-linear filter function
        for _ in range(num_bits):
            lfsr_output = self.lfsr.shift()
            # Calculate output of the non-linear filter function
            filter_output = sum((self.filter_function[i] and self.lfsr.state >> i & 1) for i in range(self.filter_length)) % 2
            # XOR the LFSR and filter outputs to get the key bit
            key_bit = lfsr_output ^ filter_output
        return key_stream

# Example: A 4-stage LFSR and a 3-element non-linear filter function
lfsr_length = 4
filter_length = 3
feedback_mask = [True, False, True, True, False, True, False]  # Feedback polynomial for x^3 + x^2 + 1

filter_generator = FilterFunctionGenerator(lfsr_length, filter_length, feedback_mask)

# Generate and print 10 key stream bits
key_stream = filter_generator.generate_key_stream(10)
print("Generated Key Stream:", key_stream)

This code implements a filter generator based on both an LFSR and a non-linear filter function.

  • LFSR class: Represents a Linear Feedback Shift Register. The constructor takes the initial state (initial_state) and the feedback mask (feedback_mask). The shift method simulates the LFSR shift operation, calculates the feedback bit, and updates the state accordingly.

  • FilterFunctionGenerator class: Represents the filter generator. The constructor takes the length of the LFSR (lfsr_length), the length of the filter function (filter_length), and the feedback polynomial (feedback_mask). It initializes the LFSR and the filter function.

  • The generate_key_stream method generates a key stream, producing one bit at a time. At each step, it generates a bit (lfsr_output) using the LFSR and calculates the output of the non-linear filter function (filter_output). The final key bit is obtained by XORing these two outputs.

  • An example is created using a 4-bit LFSR and a 3-element non-linear filter function. The feedback_mask defines the feedback polynomial as x^3 + x^2 + 1. The filter generator is then used to generate 10 key stream bits, and the result is printed.

In summary, this filter generator combines an LFSR with a non-linear filter function, enhancing the complexity and statistical properties of the generated key stream by introducing non-linear operations. Such a design contributes to improving the security of the generated key. In practical applications, the choice of feedback polynomial and non-linear filter function should be adjusted based on specific security requirements.

Combining generator

A combiner generator is an extended form of a pseudo-random sequence generator based on LFSR, and it generates more complex key streams by combining multiple LFSRs and non-linear filter functions. Such a design helps enhance the non-linearity, complexity, and security of the generated sequences.

Basic principles of a combiner generator:

  1. LFSR Combination: The combiner generator includes multiple LFSRs, each with its own initial state and feedback polynomial. These LFSRs can run in parallel, generating their respective portions of the key stream.

  2. Non-linear Filter Functions: Each LFSR is followed by a non-linear filter function, and these functions can be different. These functions perform non-linear transformations on the sequences generated by their respective LFSRs, introducing additional complexity.

  3. Combination Operation: The generator combines the individual key stream portions in some way, such as through XOR operations or other combination operations. This combination operation can further increase the overall complexity of the generated sequence.

  4. Initial States: The initial states of each LFSR should be different to ensure diversity among the various portions of the sequence.


class LFSR:
    def __init__(self, initial_state, feedback_mask):
        # Initialize LFSR with given initial state and feedback mask
        self.state = initial_state
        self.feedback_mask = feedback_mask

    def shift(self):
        # Perform LFSR shift operation and return the feedback bit
        feedback_bit = sum((self.state >> i) & 1 for i in range(len(self.feedback_mask)) if self.feedback_mask[i]) % 2
        self.state = (self.state >> 1) | (feedback_bit << (len(self.feedback_mask) - 1))
        return feedback_bit

class CombinatorialGenerator:
    def __init__(self, lfsr_configs, combiner_function):
        # Initialize CombinatorialGenerator with LFSR configurations and combiner function
        self.lfsrs = [LFSR(config["initial_state"], config["feedback_mask"]) for config in lfsr_configs]
        self.combiner_function = combiner_function

    def generate_key_stream(self, num_bits):
        key_stream = []
        for _ in range(num_bits):
            # Generate outputs from each LFSR
            lfsr_outputs = [lfsr.shift() for lfsr in self.lfsrs]
            # Combine LFSR outputs using the specified combiner function
            combined_output = self.combiner_function(lfsr_outputs)
        return key_stream

# Example: A combinatorial generator with two 4-bit LFSRs and a simple XOR combiner function
lfsr_configs = [
    {"initial_state": 0b1101, "feedback_mask": [True, False, True, True]},
    {"initial_state": 0b1010, "feedback_mask": [True, False, False, True]}

def xor_combiner(lfsr_outputs):
    # XOR the LFSR outputs and return the result
    return sum(lfsr_outputs) % 2

combinatorial_generator = CombinatorialGenerator(lfsr_configs, xor_combiner)

# Generate and print 10 key stream bits
key_stream = combinatorial_generator.generate_key_stream(10)
print("Generated Key Stream:", key_stream)

Let's analyze the provided Python code:

LFSR Class:

  1. Initialization (__init__ method):

    • Takes initial_state and feedback_mask as parameters.

    • Initializes the LFSR instance with the provided initial state and feedback mask.

  2. Shift (shift method):

    • Simulates the LFSR shift operation.

    • Computes the feedback bit based on the feedback mask.

    • Updates the LFSR state by shifting and incorporating the feedback bit.

    • Returns the computed feedback bit.

CombinatorialGenerator Class:

  1. Initialization (__init__ method):

    • Takes lfsr_configs and combiner_function as parameters.

    • Initializes multiple LFSR instances based on the provided configurations.

    • Stores the combiner function that will be used to combine the outputs of the LFSRs.

  2. Generate Key Stream (generate_key_stream method):

    • Takes num_bits as a parameter.

    • Iterates for the specified number of bits.

    • Shifts each LFSR to generate outputs.

    • Uses the specified combiner function to combine the LFSR outputs.

    • Appends the combined output to the key stream.

    • Returns the generated key stream.

Example Usage:

  1. Initializes an instance of CombinatorialGenerator with two 4-bit LFSRs and an XOR combiner function.

  2. Defines configurations for each LFSR, specifying initial state and feedback mask.

  3. Defines an XOR combiner function (xor_combiner) that XORs the outputs of the LFSRs.

  4. Creates an instance of CombinatorialGenerator with the specified configurations and combiner function.

  5. Generates and prints a key stream of 10 bits using the combinatorial generator.


  • The LFSR class represents a basic Linear Feedback Shift Register.

  • The CombinatorialGenerator class demonstrates the concept of combining multiple LFSRs with a non-linear combiner function.

  • The example uses a simple XOR combiner, but more complex combiner functions could be implemented.

Overall, this code illustrates the construction of a combinatorial generator using LFSRs, providing a foundation for generating complex key streams. The specific configurations and combiner functions can be customized based on the desired cryptographic requirements.

Clock-Controlled Generator

Clock-Controlled Generator (CCG) is a type of pseudo-random sequence generator based on LFSR (Linear Feedback Shift Register), and its operation relies on a clock signal. The clock signal controls the shifting operations of the LFSR during the sequence generation process. This generator is commonly used in synchronous systems where the periodic variation of the clock signal is utilized to influence the generation of the pseudo-random sequence.

The basic principles of the Clock-Controlled Generator are as follows:

  1. LFSR Module: The CCG consists of one or more LFSR modules, each of which is an independent LFSR. These LFSRs may have different initial states and feedback polynomials.

  2. Clock Signal: The clock signal is a periodically changing signal that controls the shifting operations of the LFSR. During each clock cycle, the LFSR undergoes a shifting operation, generating a bit.

  3. Clock Control: Changes in the clock signal directly impact the state update of the LFSR. When the clock signal changes, the LFSR performs shifting operations based on its feedback polynomial.

  4. Output Sequence: The output sequence of the generator is a combination of outputs from all LFSR modules. Typically, a combination function (such as XOR operation) is used to combine the outputs of individual LFSRs to form the final pseudo-random sequence.

Now, let's take a look at the code.

# Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) class
class LFSR:
    def __init__(self, initial_state, feedback_mask):
        self.state = initial_state
        self.feedback_mask = feedback_mask

    def shift(self):
        # Calculate feedback bit based on the feedback mask
        feedback_bit = sum((self.state >> i) & 1 for i in range(len(self.feedback_mask)) if self.feedback_mask[i]) % 2
        # Perform shift operation and update the state
        self.state = (self.state >> 1) | (feedback_bit << (len(self.feedback_mask) - 1))
        return feedback_bit

# Clock-Controlled Generator class
class ClockControlledGenerator:
    def __init__(self, primary_lfsr_config, control_lfsr_config):
        # Initialize primary and control LFSRs
        self.primary_lfsr = LFSR(primary_lfsr_config["initial_state"], primary_lfsr_config["feedback_mask"])
        self.control_lfsr = LFSR(control_lfsr_config["initial_state"], control_lfsr_config["feedback_mask"])

    def generate_key_stream(self, num_bits):
        key_stream = []
        for _ in range(num_bits):
            # Shift the control LFSR to determine whether the primary LFSR should operate
            control_bit = self.control_lfsr.shift()
            if control_bit:  # If the control bit is 1, the primary LFSR operates
                key_bit = self.primary_lfsr.shift()
            else:  # If the control bit is 0, the primary LFSR is inactive
                key_bit = 0
        return key_stream

# Example: Clock-Controlled Generator with a 4-bit primary LFSR and a 3-bit control LFSR
primary_lfsr_config = {"initial_state": 0b1101, "feedback_mask": [True, False, True, True]}
control_lfsr_config = {"initial_state": 0b101, "feedback_mask": [True, False, True]}

# Create a Clock-Controlled Generator instance
clock_controlled_generator = ClockControlledGenerator(primary_lfsr_config, control_lfsr_config)

# Generate and print 10 bits of the Clock-Controlled Sequence
clock_controlled_sequence = clock_controlled_generator.generate_key_stream(10)
print("Generated Clock-Controlled Sequence:", clock_controlled_sequence)

Legendre sequence

In addition to leveraging the superior structure of Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSR) for designing pseudo-random sequence generators, there are also other generators that rely on knowledge of number theory or finite fields. These generators utilize mathematical tools, making theoretical analysis, including periodicity, random statistical properties, and linear complexity, more accessible. We will explore two common types of pseudo-random sequence generators, namely Legendre sequences and elliptic curve sequences.

Let's begin by studying Legendre sequences.

Legendre sequence is a pseudo-random sequence based on number theory, commonly employed in constructing pseudo-random number generators. The construction of such sequences is based on the properties of the Legendre symbol, which involves some important concepts in number theory, such as quadratic residues and the law of quadratic reciprocity.

Here are the basic steps for constructing a Legendre sequence:

  1. Choose a modulus ( p ): The construction of Legendre sequences depends on a prime number ( p ). Choosing a sufficiently large prime number helps ensure the randomness and uniformity of the sequence.

  2. Compute the Legendre symbol: The Legendre symbol is a mathematical notation in number theory, typically represented as ( \left(\frac{a}{p}\right) ), where ( a ) is an integer and ( p ) is a prime number. The computation of the Legendre symbol involves determining whether ( a ) is a quadratic residue modulo ( p ). The Legendre symbol is often used in conjunction with the law of quadratic reciprocity.

onstructing a Legendre sequence, we focus on quadratic residues and non-residues modulo p. The computation of Legendre symbols involves the properties of quadratic residues modulo p.

  1. Constructing the sequence: By continuously selecting specific numbers and computing their Legendre symbols, a sequence can be obtained. Each term in the Legendre sequence is derived from a specific set of numbers, usually chosen based on their Legendre symbol properties.

  2. Applying appropriate rules: Based on the values of Legendre symbols, rules can be defined. For example, if the symbol is 1, the corresponding position in the sequence takes the value 1; if the symbol is -1, it takes 0. This results in the final pseudo-random sequence.

The construction of Legendre sequences exhibits good mathematical properties, especially when the choice of modulo p is appropriate. These sequences find applications in cryptography and random number generation, among other fields, but they are not as widely used as LFSRs. In practical applications, analyzing the periodicity and statistical properties of Legendre sequences is crucial.

Now, let's look at the code.

# Function to generate a Legendre sequence
def legendre_sequence(n, p):
    # Initialize the sequence with zeros
    sequence = [0] * n
    # Set the first element to 1
    sequence[0] = 1

    # Generate the Legendre sequence
    for i in range(1, n):
        x = (i * i) % p
        # Check if x is a quadratic residue or non-residue
        if x == 1 or x == p - 1:
            sequence[i] = 0
            sequence[i] = 1

    return sequence

# Example: Generate 10 elements of the Legendre sequence (modulo prime number 7)
n = 10
p = 7
legendre_seq = legendre_sequence(n, p)
print("Legendre Sequence:", legendre_seq)
  1. The function legendre_sequence takes two parameters: n (length of the sequence) and p (the modulo).

  2. It initializes a list called sequence with n elements, all set to 0, and sets the first element to 1.

  3. It then enters a loop from 1 to n-1 to generate the Legendre sequence. Inside the loop:

    • It calculates x as the square of i modulo p.

    • It checks if x is equal to 1 or p - 1. If true, it sets the corresponding element in the sequence to 0; otherwise, it sets it to 1.

  4. The function returns the generated Legendre sequence.

  5. An example is provided using n = 10 and p = 7 to generate a Legendre sequence. The result is printed.

The Legendre sequence is constructed based on the properties of quadratic residues and non-residues modulo p. The output is a binary sequence indicating whether each element is a quadratic residue (0) or a non-residue (1) modulo p. The example demonstrates the generation of the Legendre sequence with a specific length and modulo.

Elliptic Curve Sequence

Elliptic Curve Sequence is a pseudo-random sequence based on elliptic curves, and its construction utilizes the discrete logarithm problem of elliptic curves. Elliptic Curve Sequences are commonly used in cryptography to generate keystreams for encryption algorithms or pseudo-random number generators.

Basic steps for constructing an Elliptic Curve Sequence:

  1. Choose an elliptic curve: Select an elliptic curve, usually represented as (y^2 = x^3 + ax + b) over a finite field (\mathbb{F}_p), where (a) and (b) are constants in the finite field, ensuring that the curve satisfies certain security properties.

  2. Select a base point: Choose a base point (G) on the curve, and its order (the number of times the point must be added to itself to cover the entire curve) should be a large prime number.

  3. Choose a private key: Select a private key (d), typically a random number.

  4. Generate the sequence: By continuously calculating (d \cdot G), where (d) is the private key and (G) is the base point, a sequence can be obtained. Each term in the Elliptic Curve Sequence corresponds to a point on the curve.

  5. Apply an appropriate hash function: To map points on the elliptic curve to a pseudo-random bit sequence, a hash function, such as SHA-256, is commonly used to map the coordinates on the elliptic curve to a binary sequence.

The security of Elliptic Curve Sequences relies on the difficulty of the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. This problem involves finding (d) such that (d \cdot G = Q), where (Q) is a known point on the elliptic curve. This problem is hard to solve with classical computational power, making the generation of Elliptic Curve Sequences reasonably secure.

Elliptic Curve Sequences find widespread applications in modern cryptography, especially in Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). These sequences offer high security and efficiency, making them suitable for constructing secure encryption algorithms and key exchange protocols.

from Crypto.PublicKey import ECC

def elliptic_curve_sequence(curve, num_points):
    # Generate an ECC key pair using the specified elliptic curve
    private_key = ECC.generate(curve=curve)
    public_key = private_key.public_key()

    sequence = []  # Initialize an empty list to store the sequence
    point = public_key.pointQ  # Get the base point from the public key

    # Generate the elliptic curve sequence
    for _ in range(num_points):
        sequence.append(point.x)  # Append the x-coordinate of the current point to the sequence
        point = point + public_key.pointQ  # Update the point by adding the base point

    return sequence

# Example: Generate an Elliptic Curve Sequence
curve = "P-256"  # Use the P-256 curve
num_points = 5
elliptic_curve_seq = elliptic_curve_sequence(curve, num_points)
print("Elliptic Curve Sequence:", elliptic_curve_seq)
  1. The elliptic_curve_sequence function generates an Elliptic Curve Sequence based on the specified elliptic curve and the number of points to generate.

  2. An ECC key pair is generated using the ECC.generate function with the specified elliptic curve.

  3. The public key is extracted from the generated key pair.

  4. A list called sequence is initialized to store the x-coordinates of points in the Elliptic Curve Sequence.

  5. The base point (pointQ) from the public key is assigned to the variable point.

  6. A loop iterates num_points times, appending the x-coordinate of the current point to the sequence and updating the point by adding the base point.

  7. The resulting Elliptic Curve Sequence is printed for demonstration purposes using the P-256 curve and generating 5 points.

Stream cipher

We have previously learned various methods for generating random sequences, and now let's delve into stream ciphers.

There exists a close relationship between random sequences and stream ciphers, especially in their applications within cryptography.

A stream cipher is a type of symmetric encryption algorithm that uses a randomly generated bit stream, known as a key stream, of equal length to the plaintext. Encryption or decryption is achieved by performing a bitwise XOR operation between the key stream and the plaintext.

In stream ciphers, the quality of the key stream is crucial for the security of encryption. Ideally, the key stream should exhibit characteristics of a completely random and unpredictable sequence. This introduces the concept of a random sequence, as it represents a sequence with randomness and unpredictability.

Stream cipher algorithms typically employ Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNGs) to generate the key stream. A PRNG is an algorithm capable of producing an approximately random sequence. It takes an initial value (seed) as input and generates a long sequence of pseudo-random bits, which serves as the key stream for the stream cipher.

The security of a stream cipher relies on the randomness of the key stream. If the key stream is predictable or follows a pattern, the encryption becomes vulnerable to attacks. Therefore, one of the design goals of stream ciphers is to use key streams with high randomness, often achieved by employing high-quality PRNGs.

The relationship between random sequences and stream ciphers finds widespread application in modern cryptography. Many stream cipher algorithms utilize specially designed PRNGs to generate high-quality key streams, ensuring the security of encryption.

In summary, the key stream in stream ciphers should exhibit characteristics of high randomness and unpredictability to ensure the security of cryptographic systems.

Below is a schematic representation of how stream ciphers operate:

from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes

def generate_key_stream(key, size):
    # Use the key to generate a key stream
    key_stream = bytearray()
    while len(key_stream) < size:
    return bytes(key_stream[:size])

def encrypt(plaintext, key_stream):
    # Use bitwise XOR to encrypt the message
    encrypted_message = bytes(p ^ k for p, k in zip(plaintext, key_stream))
    return encrypted_message

def decrypt(ciphertext, key_stream):
    # Use bitwise XOR to decrypt the message
    decrypted_message = bytes(c ^ k for c, k in zip(ciphertext, key_stream))
    return decrypted_message

# Generate a random key
key = get_random_bytes(16)

# Message to be encrypted
message = b"Hello, Stream Cipher!"

# Generate key stream
key_stream = generate_key_stream(key, len(message))

# Encrypt the message
encrypted_message = encrypt(message, key_stream)

# Decrypt the message
decrypted_message = decrypt(encrypted_message, key_stream)

# Print results
print("Original Message:", message)
print("Encrypted Message:", encrypted_message)
print("Decrypted Message:", decrypted_message.decode('utf-8'))


  1. Import Libraries:

    • The code imports the get_random_bytes function from the Crypto.Random module.

  2. Key Stream Generation:

    • The generate_key_stream function creates a key stream by repeating the provided key until it reaches the desired size.

  3. Encryption and Decryption Functions:

    • The encrypt and decrypt functions perform encryption and decryption using bitwise XOR (^) on corresponding elements of the plaintext/ciphertext and key stream.

  4. Key and Message Initialization:

    • A random key of 16 bytes (key) is generated using get_random_bytes.

    • The sample message (message) is defined.

  5. Key Stream Generation and Usage:

    • The key stream (key_stream) is generated with the same length as the message using the generate_key_stream function.

  6. Encryption and Decryption:

    • The message is encrypted using the key stream, resulting in encrypted_message.

    • The encrypted message is then decrypted using the same key stream, yielding decrypted_message.

  7. Print Results:

    • The original message, encrypted message, and decrypted message are printed for verification.

Overall, the code demonstrates a basic stream cipher implementation using bitwise XOR for encryption and decryption. It showcases the generation of a key stream, encryption of a message, and subsequent decryption using the same key stream.


A typical representation of a stream cipher algorithm is RC4 (Rivest Cipher 4). Also known as Ron's Code 4 or Rivest Cipher, RC4 is a symmetric key stream cipher algorithm designed by American cryptographer Ron Rivest and published in 1987. RC4 is renowned for its simplicity and efficiency, and it is widely used in practical applications, including as a part of the SSL/TLS protocols.

The main steps of the RC4 algorithm are as follows:

  1. Initialization: RC4 utilizes a state array called the S-box (Substitution box), which contains all possible values from 0 to 255. Additionally, there is a transformation array K used for generating the key stream. At the beginning of the algorithm, the S-box is initialized as an ordered sequence from 0 to 255, and then it is shuffled based on the key K.

  2. Key Scheduling: The initialized S-box undergoes initial confusion with the key, involving a series of swap operations. The purpose of this stage is to complicate the initial state of the S-box using the key, thereby enhancing the strength of the cipher.

  3. Key Stream Generation: RC4 utilizes the S-box and the key to generate a pseudo-random key stream. This key stream is employed for both encrypting plaintext and decrypting ciphertext. The process of generating the key stream involves continuous swapping of elements in the S-box, followed by addition or XOR operations, resulting in a key stream.

  4. Encryption and Decryption: Using the generated key stream, the plaintext undergoes bitwise XOR operations or addition with the key stream to achieve encryption and decryption. This XOR operation constitutes the core operation of RC4.

  5. Key Stream Update: After encrypting or decrypting each byte, elements in the key stream may be updated. This allows the continued use of the key stream for processing the next byte.

The workflow of RC4 is illustrated as follows:

def rc4(key, plaintext):
    S = list(range(256))  # Initialize S-box with values 0 to 255
    j = 0  # Initialize j for key-scheduling algorithm

    # Key-scheduling algorithm
    for i in range(256):
        j = (j + S[i] + key[i % len(key)]) % 256
        S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i]  # Swap values in S-box

    # Pseudo-random generation algorithm
    i = j = 0
    ciphertext = bytearray()

    for char in plaintext:
        i = (i + 1) % 256
        j = (j + S[i]) % 256
        S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i]  # Swap values in S-box
        keystream_byte = S[(S[i] + S[j]) % 256]  # Calculate keystream byte
        ciphertext.append(char ^ keystream_byte)  # XOR operation with plaintext

    return bytes(ciphertext)

# Example usage
key = b"Key"
plaintext = b"Hello, RC4!"

# Encrypt the plaintext
cipher = rc4(key, plaintext)

# Decrypt the ciphertext
decrypted_text = rc4(key, cipher)

# Print results
print("Original Text:", plaintext)
print("Encrypted Text:", cipher)
print("Decrypted Text:", decrypted_text.decode('utf-8'))


  1. Key-scheduling Algorithm:

    • The function begins by initializing the S-box (S) with values from 0 to 255 and setting j to 0.

    • The key-scheduling algorithm shuffles the S-box based on the provided key (key).

  2. Pseudo-random Generation Algorithm:

    • The pseudo-random generation algorithm generates a key stream and encrypts the plaintext using the RC4 algorithm.

    • The S-box values are continuously swapped, and a keystream byte is calculated for each character in the plaintext.

  3. Example Usage:

    • An example key (b"Key") and plaintext (b"Hello, RC4!") are provided.

    • The rc4 function is used to encrypt the plaintext (cipher).

  4. Decryption:

    • The rc4 function is again used to decrypt the ciphertext (decrypted_text).

  5. Print Results:

    • The original text, encrypted text, and decrypted text are printed for verification.

The RC4 algorithm is a stream cipher that uses a key-scheduling algorithm and a pseudo-random generation algorithm. The XOR operation with the key stream is the core of the encryption and decryption processes. The example usage demonstrates the functionality of the RC4 implementation.


1. https://www.cse.ust.hk/faculty/cding/JOURNALS/it982.pdf

2. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Bit-distribution-of-the-Legendre-sequence-S-23_tbl2_332741870

3. https://cnj.atu.edu.iq/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/10.pdf

4. https://www.okta.com/identity-101/rc4-stream-cipher/

5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RC4

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