Asymmetric Cryptosystem Ⅳ

Abel group

First, the need to learn is Abel group.

An Abel group (also known as a commutative group, commutative or additive group) is a mathematical structure that is a group satisfying the commutative law. A group is an algebraic structure that includes a set and a binary operation on this set, satisfying certain properties. The Abel group is named after the Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel, in commemoration of his contributions to group theory.

The set of the Abel group is usually represented as G, which contains a set of elements.

The binary operation on the Abel group is usually addition, represented by the symbol +. For any two elements a, b \in G, their sum a + b also belongs to the set G.

Closure property: For any a, b in G, the element a + b also belongs to G, that is, the binary operation maintains closure.

Associative law: Addition satisfies the associative law, for any a, b, c in G, (a + b) + c = a + (b + c).

Identity element: In the Abel group, there exists a special element 0, for any a in G, it holds that a + 0 = 0 + a = a.

Inverse element: For any a in G, there exists an inverse element -a, such that a + (-a) = (-a) + a = 0.

Commutative law: Abel group satisfies the commutative law, for any a, b in G, a + b = b + a.

An Abel group can be a finite group or an infinite group. The set of integers forms a typical Abel group under addition. The sets of real numbers, rational numbers, and complex numbers are also Abel groups.

The properties of Abel groups make them widely applicable in algebra, mathematical analysis, and other mathematical fields.

class IntegerAdditiveGroup:
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.n = n  # Range of the set of integers [0, n-1]

    def group_operation(self, a, b):
        # Integer addition modulo n, where the group operation is addition
        return (a + b) % self.n

# Creating an Abel group on the set of integers, using n=5 as an example
integer_group = IntegerAdditiveGroup(5)

# Associativity
a, b, c = 2, 3, 4
result_associativity = integer_group.group_operation(integer_group.group_operation(a, b), c) == integer_group.group_operation(a, integer_group.group_operation(b, c))

# Identity element
e = 0  # The identity element for integer addition is 0
result_identity = integer_group.group_operation(a, e) == integer_group.group_operation(e, a) == a

# Inverse element
result_inverse = all(integer_group.group_operation(a, integer_group.n - a) == integer_group.group_operation(integer_group.n - a, a) == e for a in range(integer_group.n))

# Commutativity
result_commutativity = all(integer_group.group_operation(a, b) == integer_group.group_operation(b, a) for a in range(integer_group.n) for b in range(integer_group.n))

print("Associativity:", result_associativity)
print("Identity element:", result_identity)
print("Inverse element:", result_inverse)
print("Commutativity:", result_commutativity)

The provided code defines a Python class IntegerAdditiveGroup to represent an Abel group based on integer addition modulo n. It then performs some group theory operations and checks certain properties of this Abel group. Let's analyze the code step by step:

  1. Class Definition:

    class IntegerAdditiveGroup:
        def __init__(self, n):
            self.n = n  # Range of the set of integers [0, n-1]
        def group_operation(self, a, b):
            # Integer addition modulo n, where the group operation is addition
            return (a + b) % self.n
    • The class IntegerAdditiveGroup has a constructor __init__ that initializes the group with a given range n.

    • It has a method group_operation that performs integer addition modulo n, representing the group operation.

  2. Abel Group Operations:

    # Creating an Abel group on the set of integers, using n=5 as an example
    integer_group = IntegerAdditiveGroup(5)
    • An instance of the IntegerAdditiveGroup class is created with n = 5 to represent the Abel group on the set of integers modulo 5.

  3. Group Property Checks:

    # Associativity
    result_associativity = integer_group.group_operation(integer_group.group_operation(a, b), c) == integer_group.group_operation(a, integer_group.group_operation(b, c))
    # Identity element
    result_identity = integer_group.group_operation(a, e) == integer_group.group_operation(e, a) == a
    # Inverse element
    result_inverse = all(integer_group.group_operation(a, integer_group.n - a) == integer_group.group_operation(integer_group.n - a, a) == e for a in range(integer_group.n))
    # Commutativity
    result_commutativity = all(integer_group.group_operation(a, b) == integer_group.group_operation(b, a) for a in range(integer_group.n) for b in range(integer_group.n))
    • Associativity: Checks if the group operation is associative.

    • Identity Element: Verifies the existence of an identity element (0) for the group operation.

    • Inverse Element: Checks if each element has an inverse element, satisfying the group's property.

    • Commutativity: Tests if the group operation is commutative.

  4. Print Results:

    print("Associativity:", result_associativity)
    print("Identity element:", result_identity)
    print("Inverse element:", result_inverse)
    print("Commutativity:", result_commutativity)
    • Prints the results of the property checks.

In summary, the code demonstrates the creation of an Abel group based on integer addition modulo n and performs checks to verify key group properties such as associativity, the existence of an identity element, existence of inverse elements, and commutativity.

Elliptic curve

Elliptic curves over the real number field represent a special case in elliptic curve cryptography. An elliptic curve is defined by the equation:

[y^2 = x^3 + ax + b]

where (a) and (b) are constants in the real number field, satisfying

[4a^3 + 27b^2 \neq 0]

to ensure the curve is non-singular.

Points on the elliptic curve include all (x, y) coordinates satisfying the equation, along with a special point at infinity denoted as O. The set of these points forms the group of the elliptic curve, typically denoted as (E(\mathbb{R})).

The properties and group operations of elliptic curves involve adding points on the curve. Let (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂) be two points on the elliptic curve, and they can be added to obtain another point (x₃, y₃) according to the following rules:

  1. If (x₁, y₁) = (x₂, -y₂), then (x₁, y₁) + (x₂, y₂) = O (the point at infinity).

  2. Otherwise, calculate (x₁, y₁) + (x₂, y₂) using the formula:

[s = \frac{y₂ - y₁}{x₂ - x₁}, \quad x₃ = s^2 - x₁ - x₂, \quad y₃ = s(x₁ - x₃) - y₁]

The key to group operations on elliptic curves lies in this geometrically defined addition rule. The difficulty of the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) on the curve contributes to its widespread use in public-key cryptography, such as Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) and Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange (ECDH).

In conclusion, elliptic curves over the real number field play a crucial role in the field of cryptography, providing a secure and efficient mathematical structure for implementing various secure protocols and algorithms.

class EllipticCurvePoint:
    def __init__(self, x, y, a, b):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.a = a
        self.b = b

    def __str__(self):
        return f"({self.x}, {self.y})"

def elliptic_curve_addition(p1, p2, a, b):
    # Elliptic curve point addition rule
    if p1 is None:
        return p2
    if p2 is None:
        return p1

    x1, y1 = p1.x, p1.y
    x2, y2 = p2.x, p2.y

    if (x1, y1) == (x2, -y2):
        return None  # Points are additive inverses, result is the point at infinity

    if (x1, y1) == (x2, y2):
        # Point addition
        slope = (3 * x1**2 + a) / (2 * y1)
        # Different points, calculate slope
        slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

    x3 = slope**2 - x1 - x2
    y3 = slope * (x1 - x3) - y1

    return EllipticCurvePoint(x3, y3, a, b)

# Define elliptic curve parameters
a = 1
b = 2

# Define points P and Q
P = EllipticCurvePoint(-1, 0, a, b)
Q = EllipticCurvePoint(3, -1, a, b)

# Perform point addition
R = elliptic_curve_addition(P, Q, a, b)

print(f"P + Q = {R}")

Certainly! Let's analyze the provided Python code:

  1. EllipticCurvePoint Class:

    class EllipticCurvePoint:
        def __init__(self, x, y, a, b):
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.a = a
            self.b = b
        def __str__(self):
            return f"({self.x}, {self.y})"
    • This class represents a point on an elliptic curve over the real numbers. It has attributes x and y representing coordinates, and a and b representing parameters of the elliptic curve.

    • The __str__ method provides a string representation of the point.

  2. elliptic_curve_addition Function:

    def elliptic_curve_addition(p1, p2, a, b):
        # Elliptic curve point addition rule
        if p1 is None:
            return p2
        if p2 is None:
            return p1
        x1, y1 = p1.x, p1.y
        x2, y2 = p2.x, p2.y
        if (x1, y1) == (x2, -y2):
            return None  # Points are additive inverses, result is the point at infinity
        if (x1, y1) == (x2, y2):
            # Point addition
            slope = (3 * x1**2 + a) / (2 * y1)
            # Different points, calculate slope
            slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
        x3 = slope**2 - x1 - x2
        y3 = slope * (x1 - x3) - y1
        return EllipticCurvePoint(x3, y3, a, b)
    • This function performs point addition on an elliptic curve. It takes two points p1 and p2, along with elliptic curve parameters a and b.

    • It handles special cases where one of the points is None or the points are additive inverses, resulting in the point at infinity.

    • It calculates the slope differently based on whether the points are the same or different.

    • The resulting point is returned as an instance of the EllipticCurvePoint class.

  3. Example Usage:

    # Define elliptic curve parameters
    a = 1
    b = 2
    # Define points P and Q
    P = EllipticCurvePoint(-1, 0, a, b)
    Q = EllipticCurvePoint(3, -1, a, b)
    # Perform point addition
    R = elliptic_curve_addition(P, Q, a, b)
    print(f"P + Q = {R}")
    • This section demonstrates the usage of the defined classes and function by creating an elliptic curve with parameters a and b, defining points P and Q, and then adding them using the elliptic_curve_addition function.

    • The result is printed to the console.

In summary, the code provides a basic implementation of elliptic curve point addition over real numbers, demonstrating the key concepts in elliptic curve cryptography.

On an elliptic curve over the real number field, the multiplication operation for points is commonly referred to as scalar multiplication of points. This involves multiplying a point on an elliptic curve by an integer (scalar), resulting in another point on the elliptic curve. This operation is frequently used in elliptic curve cryptography for generating public keys and performing operations such as encryption and digital signatures.

Scalar multiplication can be implemented by iteratively applying point addition, where point addition follows the group operation rules on the elliptic curve. Below are the general steps for scalar multiplication of points on an elliptic curve over the real number field:

  1. Initialize the result point as the point at infinity (the group's identity element):

  2. Represent the scalar in binary: Represent the scalar (k) in binary form:

  3. Iterate through each bit: For each bit (k_i) in the binary representation, iterate from the most significant bit to the least significant bit.

    • If (k_i = 0), perform point addition: (R = R + R).

    • If (k_i = 1), perform point addition and point doubling: (R = R + R + P), where (P) is the original point.

  4. Final result: After completing the iteration, (R) will be the result of (k \cdot P).

class EllipticCurvePoint:
    def __init__(self, x, y, a, b):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.a = a
        self.b = b

    def __str__(self):
        return f"({self.x}, {self.y})"

def elliptic_curve_addition(p1, p2, a, b):
    # Elliptic curve point addition rule
    if p1 is None:
        return p2
    if p2 is None:
        return p1

    x1, y1 = p1.x, p1.y
    x2, y2 = p2.x, p2.y

    if (x1, y1) == (x2, -y2):
        return None  # Points are additive inverses, result is the point at infinity

    if (x1, y1) == (x2, y2):
        # Point addition
        slope = (3 * x1**2 + a) / (2 * y1)
        # Different points, calculate slope
        slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

    x3 = slope**2 - x1 - x2
    y3 = slope * (x1 - x3) - y1

    return EllipticCurvePoint(x3, y3, a, b)

def elliptic_curve_multiplication(point, scalar, a, b):
    result = None
    for _ in range(scalar.bit_length()):
        if (scalar & 1) == 1:
            result = elliptic_curve_addition(result, point, a, b)
        point = elliptic_curve_addition(point, point, a, b)
        scalar >>= 1
    return result

# Define elliptic curve parameters
a = 1
b = 2

# Define point P
P = EllipticCurvePoint(-1, 0, a, b)

# Define scalar
k = 3

# Calculate point multiplication
Q = elliptic_curve_multiplication(P, k, a, b)

print(f"{k} * P = {Q}")

Let's analyze the provided Python code:

  1. EllipticCurvePoint Class:

    class EllipticCurvePoint:
        def __init__(self, x, y, a, b):
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.a = a
            self.b = b
        def __str__(self):
            return f"({self.x}, {self.y})"
    • This class represents a point on an elliptic curve over the real numbers. It has attributes x and y representing coordinates, and a and b representing parameters of the elliptic curve.

    • The __str__ method provides a string representation of the point.

  2. elliptic_curve_addition Function:

    def elliptic_curve_addition(p1, p2, a, b):
        # Elliptic curve point addition rule
        if p1 is None:
            return p2
        if p2 is None:
            return p1
        x1, y1 = p1.x, p1.y
        x2, y2 = p2.x, p2.y
        if (x1, y1) == (x2, -y2):
            return None  # Points are additive inverses, result is the point at infinity
        if (x1, y1) == (x2, y2):
            # Point addition
            slope = (3 * x1**2 + a) / (2 * y1)
            # Different points, calculate slope
            slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
        x3 = slope**2 - x1 - x2
        y3 = slope * (x1 - x3) - y1
        return EllipticCurvePoint(x3, y3, a, b)
    • This function performs point addition on an elliptic curve. It takes two points p1 and p2, along with elliptic curve parameters a and b.

    • It handles special cases where one of the points is None or the points are additive inverses, resulting in the point at infinity.

    • It calculates the slope differently based on whether the points are the same or different.

    • The resulting point is returned as an instance of the EllipticCurvePoint class.

  3. elliptic_curve_multiplication Function:

    def elliptic_curve_multiplication(point, scalar, a, b):
        result = None
        for _ in range(scalar.bit_length()):
            if (scalar & 1) == 1:
                result = elliptic_curve_addition(result, point, a, b)
            point = elliptic_curve_addition(point, point, a, b)
            scalar >>= 1
        return result
    • This function performs scalar multiplication on an elliptic curve. It takes a point point, a scalar value scalar, and elliptic curve parameters a and b.

    • It iterates through the bits of the scalar, performing point addition and point doubling operations based on the binary representation of the scalar.

    • The final result is returned as an instance of the EllipticCurvePoint class.

  4. Example Usage:

    # Define elliptic curve parameters
    a = 1
    b = 2
    # Define point P
    P = EllipticCurvePoint(-1, 0, a, b)
    # Define scalar
    k = 3
    # Calculate point multiplication
    Q = elliptic_curve_multiplication(P, k, a, b)
    print(f"{k} * P = {Q}")
    • This section demonstrates the usage of the defined classes and functions by creating an elliptic curve with parameters a and b, defining a point P, and performing scalar multiplication with a scalar value k.

    • The result is printed to the console.

In summary, the code provides a basic implementation of elliptic curve point addition and scalar multiplication, showcasing fundamental operations used in elliptic curve cryptography.


The Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP) is one of the foundational challenges in elliptic curve cryptography. Similar to the discrete logarithm problem in traditional cryptography, the ECDLP focuses on operations on elliptic curves.

The ECDLP on an elliptic curve can be described as follows: Given a base point G on an elliptic curve E and another point Q, find an integer k such that Q = kG, where k is referred to as the discrete logarithm of G.

In a more specific formulation, the ECDLP on an elliptic curve can be formalized as:

[Q = [k]G]


  • Q is a point on the elliptic curve.

  • G is a base point on the elliptic curve.

  • ([k]G) represents the result of adding point G to itself k times, i.e., (G + G + \ldots + G).

The inherent difficulty of the ECDLP (Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem) is fundamental to elliptic curve cryptography. Due to the mathematical complexity associated with this problem, operations involving private keys, such as generating digital signatures and performing key exchange, are considered secure at the current technological level.

Particularly noteworthy is that, in comparison to the discrete logarithm problem in traditional cryptography (such as in the case of large integers in finite fields), solving the ECDLP on elliptic curves is more challenging. This is because operations on elliptic curves involve point addition and scalar multiplication, which are mathematically more intricate. This is also why elliptic curve cryptography can achieve the same or higher levels of security with relatively shorter key lengths.

In summary, the inherent difficulty of the ECDLP forms the basis of elliptic curve cryptography and provides a solid mathematical foundation for the security of this cryptographic system.

This leads us to the introduction of ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman).

ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman) is a key exchange protocol based on elliptic curve cryptography, used to securely negotiate shared keys between communicating parties. ECDH draws inspiration from the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol but applies it on elliptic curves, offering relatively smaller key lengths and higher performance.

Key Generation:

  • Each communicating entity (Alice and Bob) generates its own elliptic curve key pair.

  • Private Key: Randomly select a private key a (Alice) or b (Bob), which is an integer smaller than the order of the elliptic curve.

  • Public Key: Compute public key A or B, where A = aG or B = bG, representing the public key point corresponding to the private key.

Key Exchange:

  • Alice and Bob exchange their respective public keys.

  • Alice receives Bob's public key B and calculates the shared key K: K = aB = a(bG).

  • Bob receives Alice's public key A and calculates the same shared key: K = bA = b(aG).

  • Since a(bG) = b(aG), both parties obtain the same shared key K.


  • The security of ECDH is based on the difficulty of the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP).

  • Even in public communication, it is challenging for an attacker to deduce private keys a or b, even if they obtain public keys A or B.

Key Derivation:

  • By deriving symmetric keys from the shared key K, it can be used for encrypted communication, such as for the key of symmetric encryption algorithms.

Performance Advantages:

  • Compared to traditional Diffie-Hellman key exchange, ECDH can use shorter key lengths while providing the same or higher levels of security.

  • The algorithm has lower computational complexity, making it suitable for resource-constrained environments, such as mobile devices and IoT devices.

In conclusion, ECDH is a crucial key exchange protocol in elliptic curve cryptography, widely applied in scenarios like network communication and encrypted communication to achieve secure key negotiation between parties.

import hashlib
import random

# Elliptic Curve Point Class
class ECPoint:
    def __init__(self, x, y, a, b, p_mod):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.p_mod = p_mod

# Addition Operation
def point_addition(p, q):
    if p.x is None:
        return q
    if q.x is None:
        return p
    if p.x == q.x and p.y != q.y:
        return ECPoint(None, None, p.a, p.b, p.p_mod)  # Result is the point at infinity
    if p.x == q.x:
        m = (3 * p.x**2 + p.a) * pow(2 * p.y, -1, p.p_mod) % p.p_mod
        m = (q.y - p.y) * pow(q.x - p.x, -1, p.p_mod) % p.p_mod

    x_r = (m**2 - p.x - q.x) % p.p_mod
    y_r = (m * (p.x - x_r) - p.y) % p.p_mod

    return ECPoint(x_r, y_r, p.a, p.b, p.p_mod)

# Scalar Multiplication
def scalar_multiply(k, point):
    result = ECPoint(None, None, point.a, point.b, point.p_mod)
    k_bin = bin(k)[2:]

    for i in range(len(k_bin) - 1, 0, -1):
        result = point_addition(result, result)
        if k_bin[i - 1] == '1':
            result = point_addition(result, point)

    return result

# Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
def diffie_hellman():
    # Elliptic Curve Parameters: y^2 = x^3 + ax + b mod p
    a = 0
    b = 7
    G = ECPoint(
        a, b, p

    # Alice and Bob generate private keys
    private_key_alice = random.randint(1, p - 1)
    private_key_bob = random.randint(1, p - 1)

    # Calculate public keys
    public_key_alice = scalar_multiply(private_key_alice, G)
    public_key_bob = scalar_multiply(private_key_bob, G)

    # Calculate shared keys
    shared_key_alice = scalar_multiply(private_key_alice, public_key_bob).x
    shared_key_bob = scalar_multiply(private_key_bob, public_key_alice).x

    # Generate keys using hash functions
    shared_key_alice = int(hashlib.sha256(str(shared_key_alice).encode()).hexdigest(), 16)
    shared_key_bob = int(hashlib.sha256(str(shared_key_bob).encode()).hexdigest(), 16)

    print("Public Key Alice (x):", public_key_alice.x)
    print("Public Key Bob (x):", public_key_bob.x)
    print("Shared Key Alice:", shared_key_alice)
    print("Shared Key Bob:", shared_key_bob)

if __name__ == "__main__":

  1. Elliptic Curve Point Class (ECPoint):

    • This class represents a point on an elliptic curve defined by the equation (y^2 = x^3 + ax + b \mod p), where (a) and (b) are curve parameters and (p) is the prime modulus.

    • The class has attributes for the (x) and (y) coordinates, as well as parameters (a), (b), and (p_{\text{mod}}).

  2. Addition Operation (point_addition):

    • This function performs point addition on elliptic curve points.

    • It handles special cases such as adding a point to the point at infinity and points with equal (x) coordinates but different (y) coordinates.

    • The point addition formula for elliptic curves is used, and modular arithmetic is applied to ensure the result stays within the curve.

  3. Scalar Multiplication (scalar_multiply):

    • This function performs scalar multiplication of a point on the elliptic curve by a scalar (integer) value.

    • It uses the double-and-add algorithm, where the binary representation of the scalar is traversed to perform the multiplication efficiently.

  4. Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (diffie_hellman):

    • This function demonstrates the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol using elliptic curves.

    • It defines elliptic curve parameters (a, b, p) and a base point (G).

    • Alice and Bob each generate a private key, calculate their respective public keys, and then exchange public keys.

    • Both parties compute a shared key using their private key and the received public key, ensuring they derive the same shared key.

    • The shared keys are then processed using a hash function (SHA-256) to obtain integers.

  5. Hash Function Usage:

    • The hashlib library is utilized to apply the SHA-256 hash function to the shared keys. This step is common in cryptographic protocols to derive keys with uniform distribution and desirable properties.

  6. Print Statements:

    • The code includes print statements to display the public keys and shared keys for Alice and Bob.

  7. Random Module:

    • The random module is used to generate random private keys for both Alice and Bob.

  8. Main Execution:

    • The if __name__ == "__main__": block ensures that the diffie_hellman function is executed when the script is run directly.

Overall, the code demonstrates a basic implementation of elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange using Python. The elliptic curve operations are modular to ensure correct behavior within the specified curve. The Diffie-Hellman protocol enables secure key exchange between two parties, and the use of elliptic curves provides efficient and secure cryptographic operations.

We can also implement it using mature cryptographic libraries. See the code.

from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec

def perform_dh_key_exchange():
    # Choose elliptic curve, here using secp256r1
    curve = ec.SECP256R1()

    # Create key pair 1
    private_key1 = ec.generate_private_key(curve, default_backend())
    public_key1 = private_key1.public_key().public_bytes(

    # Create key pair 2
    private_key2 = ec.generate_private_key(curve, default_backend())
    public_key2 = private_key2.public_key().public_bytes(

    # Load PEM formatted public keys
    public_key1_obj = serialization.load_pem_public_key(public_key1, backend=default_backend())
    public_key2_obj = serialization.load_pem_public_key(public_key2, backend=default_backend())

    # Key exchange
    shared_key1 =, public_key2_obj)
    shared_key2 =, public_key1_obj)

    # Print results
    print("Public Key 1:", public_key1.decode('utf-8'))
    print("Public Key 2:", public_key2.decode('utf-8'))
    print("Shared Key 1:", shared_key1.hex())
    print("Shared Key 2:", shared_key2.hex())

if __name__ == "__main__":

Let's analyze the provided Python code:

  1. Import Statements:

    • The code imports necessary modules from the cryptography library for performing cryptographic operations.

  2. Function Definition (perform_dh_key_exchange):

    • This function demonstrates Diffie-Hellman key exchange using the cryptography library.

    • It uses the elliptic curve SECP256R1 for the key exchange.

  3. Key Pair Generation:

    • Two key pairs are generated (private_key1/public_key1 and private_key2/public_key2) using the elliptic curve specified.

    • The public keys are serialized in PEM format.

  4. Loading Public Keys:

    • The PEM-formatted public keys are loaded back into Python objects using the load_pem_public_key function.

  5. Key Exchange:

    • The exchange method is used to perform the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. It computes the shared secret by taking the private key of one party and the public key of the other party.

    • Two shared keys (shared_key1 and shared_key2) are computed by exchanging private and public keys between the two parties.

  6. Print Statements:

    • The code prints the public keys and the resulting shared keys in hexadecimal format.

  7. Main Execution:

    • The if __name__ == "__main__": block ensures that the perform_dh_key_exchange function is executed when the script is run directly.

  8. PEM Decoding:

    • The decode('utf-8') method is used to convert the PEM-encoded public keys to human-readable strings for printing.

Overall, the code demonstrates a high-level implementation of elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange using the cryptography library. The use of standard libraries simplifies the implementation and ensures secure and standardized cryptographic operations.

Elliptic curves can also be combined with AES to achieve secure point-to-point communication. Let's take a look at the code.

import hashlib
import random
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

class ECPoint:
    def __init__(self, x, y, a, b, p):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.p = p

def point_addition(p, q):
    if p is None:
        return q
    if q is None:
        return p
    if p.x == q.x and p.y != q.y:
        return None  # Result is the point at infinity
    if p.x == q.x:
        m = (3 * p.x**2 + p.a) * pow(2 * p.y, -1, p.p) % p.p
        m = (q.y - p.y) * pow(q.x - p.x, -1, p.p) % p.p

    x_r = (m**2 - p.x - q.x) % p.p
    y_r = (m * (p.x - x_r) - p.y) % p.p

    return ECPoint(x_r, y_r, p.a, p.b, p.p)

def scalar_multiply(k, point):
    result = None
    k_bin = bin(k)[2:]

    for i in range(len(k_bin) - 1, -1, -1):
        result = point_addition(result, result)
        if k_bin[i] == '1':
            result = point_addition(result, point)

    return result

def derive_shared_key(private_key, public_key):
    shared_point = scalar_multiply(private_key, public_key)
    shared_key = hashlib.sha256(str(shared_point.x).encode()).digest()
    return shared_key

def encrypt(plaintext, shared_key):
    iv = bytes([random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(16)])
    cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
    ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext.ljust(len(plaintext) + 16 - (len(plaintext) % 16), b'\0'))
    return iv + ciphertext

def decrypt(ciphertext, shared_key):
    iv = ciphertext[:16]
    ciphertext = ciphertext[16:]
    cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
    plaintext = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext).rstrip(b'\0')
    return plaintext

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Using secp256r1 elliptic curve parameters
    G = ECPoint(
        2**256 - 2**224 + 2**192 + 2**96 - 1

    # Alice and Bob generate private and public keys
    private_key_alice = random.randint(1, G.p - 1)
    private_key_bob = random.randint(1, G.p - 1)
    public_key_alice = scalar_multiply(private_key_alice, G)
    public_key_bob = scalar_multiply(private_key_bob, G)

    # Calculate shared keys
    shared_key_alice = derive_shared_key(private_key_alice, public_key_bob)
    shared_key_bob = derive_shared_key(private_key_bob, public_key_alice)

    # Encrypt and decrypt
    message_from_alice = "Hello Bob, this is a secret message!"
    ciphertext = encrypt(message_from_alice.encode(), shared_key_bob)
    decrypted_message = decrypt(ciphertext, shared_key_alice)

    print("Original Message:", message_from_alice)
    print("Decrypted Message by Bob:", decrypted_message.decode())

Let's analyze the provided Python code:

  1. ECPoint Class:

    • Represents a point on an elliptic curve.

    • Attributes include x, y coordinates, parameters a, b, and modulus p.

  2. point_addition Function:

    • Performs point addition on elliptic curve points.

    • Handles special cases like points at infinity and calculates the sum using elliptic curve addition formulas.

  3. scalar_multiply Function:

    • Performs scalar multiplication of an elliptic curve point.

    • Utilizes the binary representation of the scalar for an efficient calculation.

  4. derive_shared_key Function:

    • Derives a shared key from a private key and a public key using elliptic curve scalar multiplication.

    • Uses SHA-256 to hash the x-coordinate of the resulting point to create the shared key.

  5. encrypt Function:

    • Encrypts plaintext using AES encryption in CBC mode.

    • Generates a random initialization vector (IV) and pads the plaintext to be a multiple of the block size.

  6. decrypt Function:

    • Decrypts ciphertext using AES decryption in CBC mode.

    • Extracts the IV from the ciphertext and removes padding from the decrypted plaintext.

  7. Main Execution Block:

    • Defines elliptic curve parameters for the secp256r1 curve.

    • Generates private and public keys for Alice and Bob.

    • Calculates shared keys for Alice and Bob.

    • Encrypts a message from Alice to Bob and decrypts it back using the shared keys.


    • Code includes inline comments explaining the purpose of each function and block.

    • The secp256r1 elliptic curve parameters are used for key exchange.

    • The implementation uses the Crypto library for AES encryption and decryption.

  9. Security Considerations:

    • The security of the elliptic curve cryptography relies on the difficulty of the discrete logarithm problem.

    • Proper random number generation is crucial for security, especially in key exchange.

    • The use of SHA-256 for key derivation assumes the security of the hash function.

  10. Overall:

  • The code demonstrates an example of secure communication using elliptic curve cryptography, key exchange, and AES encryption.

  1. Note:

  • In practice, using well-established libraries for cryptographic operations is recommended for security and reliability reasons.

The above is implemented manually from scratch. We can also achieve this using existing libraries. Check the code for reference.

from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf import HKDF
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes

def generate_key_pair():
    # Generate a key pair using the SECP256R1 elliptic curve
    private_key = ec.generate_private_key(ec.SECP256R1(), default_backend())
    public_key = private_key.public_key()
    return private_key, public_key

def derive_shared_key(private_key, peer_public_key):
    # Derive a shared key using ECDH key exchange
    shared_key =, peer_public_key)
    # Derive a symmetric key using HKDF with SHA256
    return HKDF(

def encrypt(shared_key, plaintext):
    # Encrypt the plaintext using AES in CFB mode
    iv = b'\x00' * 16  # Initialization vector
    cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(shared_key), modes.CFB(iv), backend=default_backend())
    encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
    ciphertext = encryptor.update(plaintext.encode()) + encryptor.finalize()
    return ciphertext

def decrypt(shared_key, ciphertext):
    # Decrypt the ciphertext using AES in CFB mode
    iv = b'\x00' * 16  # Initialization vector
    cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(shared_key), modes.CFB(iv), backend=default_backend())
    decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
    plaintext = decryptor.update(ciphertext) + decryptor.finalize()
    return plaintext.decode()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Generate key pairs for Alice and Bob
    private_key_alice, public_key_alice = generate_key_pair()
    private_key_bob, public_key_bob = generate_key_pair()

    # Derive shared keys
    shared_key_alice = derive_shared_key(private_key_alice, public_key_bob)
    shared_key_bob = derive_shared_key(private_key_bob, public_key_alice)

    # Encrypt and decrypt a message
    message_from_alice = "Hello Bob, this is a secret message!"
    ciphertext = encrypt(shared_key_bob, message_from_alice)
    decrypted_message = decrypt(shared_key_alice, ciphertext)

    print("Original Message:", message_from_alice)
    print("Decrypted Message by Bob:", decrypted_message)

The provided Python code implements a secure communication protocol using elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Here's a brief analysis of the code:

  1. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC):

    • The code defines functions for generating ECC key pairs, deriving shared keys using ECDH (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman), and performing scalar multiplication on elliptic curve points.

    • The generate_key_pair function generates a private-public key pair using the SECP256R1 elliptic curve.

    • The derive_shared_key function calculates a shared secret between two parties using their private and public keys.

  2. AES Encryption and Decryption:

    • AES encryption and decryption functions (encrypt and decrypt) use the shared key derived from the ECC key exchange to secure communication.

    • AES is applied in Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode, and a random 16-byte initialization vector (IV) is used for each encryption.

  3. Key Derivation:

    • The derived shared key is expanded using the HKDF (HMAC-based Key Derivation Function) with SHA-256 as the hash function.

  4. Usage Example:

    • In the __main__ block, key pairs are generated for Alice and Bob using ECC.

    • Shared keys are derived for both Alice and Bob.

    • A message is encrypted by Alice using Bob's shared key and decrypted by Bob using his shared key.

  5. Security Considerations:

    • The code employs well-established cryptographic libraries (cryptography and Crypto.Cipher) for ECC, key derivation, and AES encryption, which is good practice.

    • The use of appropriate key sizes and secure key exchange mechanisms (ECDH) enhances the security of the communication.

  6. Improvements:

    • The use of hardcoded initialization vectors (iv) is acceptable for illustration but may not be suitable for a production environment. In practice, a unique IV should be generated for each encryption operation.

    • Exception handling and error checking can be enhanced for a more robust implementation.

Overall, the code provides a basic but secure communication protocol using ECC for key exchange and AES for data encryption.





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